Guidelines for E-Resource Access and Fair Use
All electronic resources available through the Consortium are governed by license agreements. The terms and conditions for using these resources are spelled out in license agreements that are signed with each publisher by the Consortium on behalf of its member universities. The licenses for electronic resources impose two types of restrictions on its usage, namely i) who can use these resources; and ii) how the resources can be used. The first restriction defines authorized users for e-resources, which generally includes students, faculty, staff and onsite visitors of a subscribing institution. The second restriction deals with how these resources can be used. It is the responsibility of individual users to ensure that e-resources are used for personal, educational and research purposes only. Most of the agreements entered into by the Consortium and publishers specify items that users are prohibited to do. Some of them are as follows:
- Systematic or programmatic downloading, retention, and printing are prohibited. For example, a user cannot download entire issue of a journal or print out several copies of the same article.
- Electronic distribution of content is also restricted although the specific restrictions vary from publisher to publisher. It may be permissible to forward an article to another colleague in the same institution by email, however, transmitting an article to someone outside of the institution, or to a large group of recipients, a mailing list, or an electronic bulletin board, is not allowed.
- Faculty in a university can print out a copy of an article from an electronic journal and include it in their course pack. However, multiple copies should not be made for circulation. Copyright laws protect published material in any format so that it cannot be copied except in accordance with fair use. Providing access to material for educational purposes falls within the realm of fair use.
- Subscribed e-resource should be used for educational and research purposes and not for commercial purposes.
- Providing electronic links to the licensed resources on the course web pages is permitted but it is not permissible to posted a PDF of an article on a website. However, a researcher can post a pre-print of an article written by himself.
- As with any kind of scholarly communication, a researcher can use phrases or quotes from other articles and cite the source of information. However, a researcher is prohibited from using large chunk of information (paras and chapters) from an article or from a chapter in a book.
- What Happens if the Terms and Conditions of License Agreements are Violated?
Publishers track the use of their electronic resources in terms of number of downloads made by subscribing institution. Misuse, if any, is notified to the subscribing institution with details of kinds of violations and institution is expected to take action. The publisher also suspends the access to e-resource pending suitable action by subscribing institution. The access is stopped not only for journals where license agreement was violated but for all journals by the same publisher. Moreover, the access is suspended not only for the individual violator but for the entire institution.
There are innumerable number of Internet resources available on the Internet on various subjects. These resources could be websites, archives of working papers/preprints/journal articles, E-prints, directories, etc. Please use the following links to get access to these resources.
IP Address Authentication Basis
Users do not required credentials to access all E-Resources subscribed by the Barr. Balasaheb Khardekar Knowledge Resource Center, Shivaji University by visiting respective publishers website if user is using university internet connectivity. All the subscribed E-Resources are IP authenticated. Users may prefer remote access facilities to get access to E-resources on single platform, single search window though they are on campus.
INFED Remote Access Facility
INFED Remote Access Facility launched in the year 2019. Periodical Section and Circulation Section are taking efforts to run this service smoothly for the users with the technical assistance by Dr. S. V. Thorat, Assistant Librarian, BBKKRC.
All the registered members of Barr. Balasaheb Khardekar Knowledge Resource Center (BBKKRC) are eligible to join and use INFED to access e-resources subscribed. Please visit to Periodical Section along with BBKKRC membership card to get User Name and Password of the same.
Click to link after getting user name, password and start access e-resources remotely though you are not in university campus.
Knimbus Discovery Remote Access Facility
Greetings from Barr. Balasaheb Khardekar Knowledge Resource Centre !!!
We are happy to introduce you to BBKKRC Digital Library. To brief you, this provides you a complete and compelling discovery experience expressly designed to meet the needs andexpectations of today’s users and librarians. It is a digital front door to all of the library’s collections and open access scholarly resources, as well as an extension of our existing library services.
Beyond a single search box, it includes innovative features and functionality to provide a modern, engaging, and powerful user experience. The contextual guidance features lead users to better research and learning outcomes, while providing librarians with opportunities to connect with more users, be embedded in the research process, and directly enhance and improve the discovery experience.
Proven to increase usage of resources across the full breadth of a library’s collection, this feature makes it possible for BBKKRC to connect more users with relevant content than was ever possible before. It also provides the ability to deliver the necessary research support at the
point of need in the digital environment.
Through this BBKKRC Digital Library, online access for e -resources through Knimbus mLibrary has been setup on our platform. Knimbus mLibrary is a one-stop solution with rich features to build a powerful and user-friendly digital library through which users can seamlessly access the
digital resources anytime, anywhere and on any device.
For access to contents go through the following steps:
1. Click on :
2. Username : Your E-Mail Id
3. Password : user@knimbus or system generated password will be sent on your registered e-mail address.
After enrolment you can change your password.
You can download the Knimbus m-Library App from Google play store and Apple Store.