Shivaji University Affiliated College Librarian’s Directory
The directory contains brief information of college librarians working in the colleges affiliated to the Shivaji University, Kolhapur. The main purpose of creating a directory of college librarians is to connect the all college librarians together and to support for building their professional network for performing different activities related to the LIS profession such as library networking, inter-library loan, resource sharing, technical assistance and organizing seminars and other professional programmes, etc.
The directory was inaugurated online by the Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor of Shivaji University- Dr. D.T. Shirke sir on 22nd Jul. 2021. The preparation of this directory has been done by Dr. Sudhir Nagarkar (Librarian, Amdar Shashikant ShindeMahavidyalay, Medha, Dist. Satara) and Mr. HarshalPawar (Librarian, Prof. Sambhajirao Kadam College, Deur, Dist. Satara) under the precious guidance of Hon’ble University Librarian- Dr. Namita Khot and their team members- Dr. Dhananjay Sutar, Dr. Prakash Bilawar, Dr. Sachin Patil and Dr. Shivraj Thorat.
For College Librarian’s Directory Click Here
The librarians who have not filled their information yet in this directory, should fill in the complete information in Google form by clicking on the link below: